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What is IT HIPAA Compliance?

 HIPAA Compliance is basically a Law for Securing and makes private transfer of individual's medical information.

In August 1996, US President promote to secure transfer of patient information, signed into law the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

If you are working in healthcare profession then it's very essential to make sure that you are in compliance with HIPAA at all times.

HIPAA sets a wide range of standards for the monitoring the healthcare. Many of them manage the “protected health information” (PHI). PHI is normally associated with specific of patient detailed information such as a person’s blood test results or appointment dates. It is described as “personally identifiable health information.” 

HIPAA mainly focus on specially for protecting health care data of individual and patient including requirements for network security and management. Organizations that are working as healthcare professional must cover under the HIPAA act and must protect all ePHI that is maintained by them.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule, states and focuses on Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information, established protocols for many healthcare companies in regards to who has access to patient information. The privacy rule applies to everyone in healthcare agencies, and to anyone who is into healthcare provider that transmits patient information electronically.

Individual and group medical plans that provide or pay whatever extra cost of medical care are covered by HIPAA. These plans include health, dental, vision, prescription drug, health maintenance organizations, Medicare, and other healthcare insurance company.

The following points are protected under HIPAA's Privacy rule:

1.        An individual's complete medical history 

2.      Individual physical and mental health conditions.

3.      The treatment or provision the individual has access to.

4.      An individual's payment information.

5.      The Privacy Rule is monitored by the Office for Civil Right.

HIPAA affect  IT provider?

IT service providers are typically considered “business associates” or business consultant of their healthcare clients. These company helps the healthcare professionals to follow all IT HIPAA Compliance San Diego .These IT companies technicians help in evaluating the information and data needed to align healthcare systems with HIPAA requirements.
